GO! Site Approved

GO! Site Approved is a 100% cloud based, easily customisable and intuitive platform to manage your sub-contracts and contractors for individual projects.
GO! Site Approved gives you the ability to set project specific requirements for contractor documentation and e-learning. Receive onboarding document requests from contractors and within minutes approve applications and schedule site familiarisations. GO! Site Approved makes the critical, but repetitive process of contractor inductions uncomplicated, secure and easily accessible.

PIAGO. You know the problem, we’ve got the solution.

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GO! Site Approved

It is the most advanced digital marketing company.

Adipiscing elit Consequat tristique eget amet, tempus eu at consecttur. Leo facilisi nunc viverra tellus. Ac laoreet sit vel consquat. consectetur adipiscing elit. Consequat tristique eget amet, tempus eu at consecttur. Leo facilisi nunc viverra tellus. Ac laoreet sit vel consquat.

It is the most advanced digital marketing company.
It is the most advanced digital marketing company.
It is the most advanced digital marketing company.
It is a privately owned Information and cyber security company

It is a privately owned Information and cyber security company

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Consequat tristique eget amet, tempus eu at consecttur. Leo facilisi nunc viverra tellus. Ac laoreet sit vel consquat. consectetur adipiscing elit. Consequat tristique eget amet, tempus eu at consecttur. Leo facilisi nunc viverra tellus. Ac laoreet sit vel consquat.

It’s a team of experienced and skilled people with distributions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Consequat tristique eget amet, tempus eu at consecttur. Leo facilisi nunc viverra tellus. Ac laoreet sit vel consquat. consectetur adipiscing elit. Consequat tristique eget amet, tempus eu at consecttur. Leo facilisi nunc viverra tellus. Ac laoreet sit vel consquat.

It’s a team of experienced and skilled people with distributions
A company standing different from others

A company standing different from others

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Consequat tristique eget amet, tempus eu at consecttur. Leo facilisi nunc viverra tellus. Ac laoreet sit vel consquat. consectetur adipiscing elit. Consequat tristique eget amet, tempus eu at consecttur. Leo facilisi nunc viverra tellus. Ac laoreet sit vel consquat.

How Does it Work?

  1. 100% cloud and mobile ready
  2. Have your contractors arrive to site work ready and approved
  3. Assign document and e-learning requirements to any site, department or role
  4. Approve requests in minutes and get contractors onsite faster
  5. Approval workflows customisable by site, department and role
  6. Site, project and role specific configuration and e-learning
  7. Upload your own SCORM compliant e-learning packages
  8. Next of kin capture
  9. All documents stored in Australia or country of your choice
  10. Dashboard management
  11. Customisable reporting
  12. Enforce 2 Factor Authentication for added security
  13. Contractor, employee and management portal access
  14. Secure document management with expiry notifications
  15. Integrate your existing systems easily and seamlessly
  16. Integrate your users and roles

Powerful Integration

GO! Site Approved can be integrated with payroll management and training systems and contractors using GO! Site Ready for even easier communication.

Start accelerating your strategy’s effectiveness, today.

For a limited time, you get UNLIMITED users & all the features available inside the platform!
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