GSA v1.10: Unlocking Updates July 8, 2024 | 11 min Read

GSA v1.10: Unlocking Updates

Unlock New Potential with these GO! Site Approved Updates

At PIAGO, we are committed to providing innovative solutions that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your contractor management processes. Our latest updates to GO! Site Approved introduce a range of powerful new features designed to streamline workflows, improve data management, and enhance user experience. From multi-company worker functionality to comprehensive site access logs, these enhancements are tailored to meet the needs of modern workforce management. Join us as we explore these exciting updates and discover how they can transform your operations and unlock new potential for your company.

Multi-Company Workers Functionality

Expanding the flexibility of workforce management, Workers can now be configured to have ‘multiple employers’.

Key Features:
  • Multiple Employers: Workers can now be assigned to multiple employers, providing greater flexibility in managing workforce relationships.
  • Primary and Additional Employers: Aside from the Workers’ ‘primary employer’, any additional employers will be displayed in the People search results screen, ensuring comprehensive visibility.
Why This Matters

The ability to configure Workers with multiple employers is crucial for modern workforce management, particularly in industries where workers often engage with multiple projects or contracts. This feature enhances the visibility and management of worker relationships, ensuring that all associated employers are accurately represented in the system. By supporting multi-company worker configurations, organisations can streamline their workforce management processes, improve accuracy in reporting and compliance, and foster better coordination among various stakeholders. This leads to more efficient and effective management of shared resources and a more adaptable workforce.

New Person Profile Screen

Introducing the new Person Profile screen, a comprehensive view that consolidates all essential information about a worker into a single, easy-to-navigate interface.

Key Features:
  • Detailed Worker Profile: A brand new screen that brings together a detailed worker profile, providing a holistic view of each individual.
  • Comprehensive Information: The profile includes:
    • Personal information
    • Contact details
    • Site access history
    • Training records
    • TNA view
    • Calendar bookings view
  • Easy Access: Accessible from the Person search screen by clicking the ‘Profile’ button.
Why This Matters

The new Person Profile screen is a significant enhancement in workforce management, offering a centralised and comprehensive view of each worker’s information. This feature streamlines access to critical data, making it easier for managers and administrators to oversee and manage their workforce. By consolidating personal information, contact details, site access history, training records, TNA view, and calendar bookings into one screen, this tool improves efficiency, reduces the time spent navigating multiple screens, and enhances decision-making processes. Ultimately, it leads to more effective management and better-informed actions, ensuring that all relevant information is readily available when needed.

New Report on Individual Training Profile

We are excited to introduce the Individual Training Profile report, a powerful new feature that allows for the detailed documentation and export of a person’s training data.

Key Features:
  • PDF Export: A PDF export of an individual’s training data can now be generated, formatted to fit an A4 sheet for easy printing and official use.
  • Official Sign-off: The report includes a sign-off footer, providing an official record that can be used for compliance and verification purposes.
  • Easy Generation: The report can be generated directly from the Person Profile screen, ensuring quick and convenient access. (See image below)
  • Worker Access: Individual workers can also generate their own training profile reports from their Account page, promoting transparency and self-management. (See image below)
  • Example Report Output: (See image below)
Why This Matters

The ability to generate an Individual Training Profile report is crucial for maintaining accurate and accessible training records. This feature allows both administrators and workers to easily document and verify training histories, ensuring that all training data is readily available and officially recognised. The inclusion of a sign-off footer enhances the legitimacy and compliance of these records. By enabling workers to generate their own reports, this feature also fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility over their training progress. Overall, this leads to improved record-keeping, enhanced compliance, and greater empowerment of the workforce.

Azure ID Single Sign-On

Enhancing security and ease of access, GO! Site Approved now supports Azure ID Single Sign-On.

Key Features:
  • Azure ID Single Sign-On: GO! Site Approved now supports Azure ID Single Sign-On, allowing users to log in using their Azure credentials.
  • Enablement: Speak with your PIAGO expert about enabling this feature for your tenancy to take advantage of streamlined access and enhanced security.
Why This Matters

Supporting Azure ID Single Sign-On is a significant step towards improving security and user convenience. By integrating with Azure ID, users can leverage their existing credentials to access GO! Site Approved, reducing the need for multiple passwords and simplifying the login process. This not only enhances security by utilising robust Azure authentication protocols but also improves user experience by providing a seamless and efficient login process. Enabling Single Sign-On helps organisations maintain high-security standards while making access to essential tools easier and more efficient for their teams.

Navigating GO! Site Approved has never been easier with the new quick search feature available in the side menu.

Key Features:
  • Quick Search: A search box is now available in the side menu, allowing users to quickly find the screen they need by typing in the name.
  • Improved Navigation: This feature streamlines the navigation process, making it faster and more efficient to access various sections of the platform.
Why This Matters

The addition of a quick search box in the side menu significantly enhances the user experience by simplifying navigation. Users can now quickly locate and access specific screens without having to manually browse through the menu, saving time and reducing frustration. This feature is especially beneficial in fast-paced environments where quick access to information is critical. By improving the ease and efficiency of navigation, the quick search box helps users focus on their tasks and boosts overall productivity.

Report Generation Button Renamed

Improving user-friendliness, the report generation button in the reporting screen has been renamed for better clarity.

Key Features:
  • Renamed Button: In the reporting screen, the report generation button has been renamed to make it easier for users to understand how to generate reports.
  • Improved Usability: This change enhances the user experience by providing clear instructions on how to initiate report generation.
Why This Matters

Renaming the report generation button is a small yet impactful change that significantly improves usability. Clear and intuitive labelling helps users quickly understand how to perform tasks, reducing confusion and the likelihood of errors. This enhancement ensures that users can efficiently generate the reports they need, streamlining their workflow and improving productivity. By focusing on user-friendly design, we aim to make GO! Site Approved as accessible and effective as possible for all users.

User Quality of Life Improvements

Enhancing the user experience, window and browser tabs are now named according to the screen you’re on.

Key Features:
  • Dynamic Tab Naming: Window and browser tabs now dynamically update to reflect the name of the screen you’re currently viewing, making navigation and multitasking easier.
Why This Matters

Dynamic tab naming is a valuable improvement for users who frequently navigate between multiple screens or work with several tabs open. By clearly labelling each tab with the name of the current screen, users can more easily identify and switch between tasks without confusion. This enhancement reduces the time spent searching for the right tab, streamlines workflow, and improves overall efficiency. Better organisation and easier navigation lead to a more pleasant and productive user experience.

Data Grids

We have introduced several improvements to data grids, enhancing stability, usability, and functionality.

Key Features:
  • Stable Column Filters: Data grids now remain stable when clicking in and out of column filters, preventing disruptions during data manipulation.
  • Improved Text Filters: Data grid filters will now wait momentarily before automatically applying the input text filter, allowing for more accurate filtering.
  • Column Sizing Enhancements: Numerous improvements have been made to data grid column sizing, ensuring better alignment and readability.
  • Date Range Filters: Data grid date columns now have a date range filter, providing more precise control over date-specific data.
Why This Matters

The enhancements to data grids are crucial for improving data handling and user experience. Stable column filters ensure a smoother and more reliable interaction with data, while the improved text filters allow for more accurate and intentional filtering. Better column sizing enhances readability and organisation, making it easier to analyse data. The addition of date range filters provides users with more precise control over date-specific information, which is vital for time-sensitive data analysis. These improvements collectively lead to a more efficient, user-friendly, and productive environment for managing and analysing data.

Training Calendar Enhancements

Enhancing the functionality of the training calendar, skill codes can now be tracked against training calendar events.

Key Features:
  • Skill Code Tracking: Skill codes can now be tracked against training calendar events, allowing for better alignment of training activities with required skills.
  • Automatic Skill Assignment: Upon completion of the calendar event, skills will be imparted to course participants as Training records, ensuring seamless documentation of acquired skills.
Why This Matters

The ability to track skill codes against Training Calendar Events is essential for ensuring that training activities are directly aligned with the necessary skills for your workforce. This feature allows for better planning and management of training sessions, ensuring that they meet specific skill requirements. Automatically imparting skills to participants as Training Records upon completion of the event streamlines the documentation process, reducing administrative burden and ensuring accurate and up-to-date training records. These enhancements lead to more targeted and effective training programs, improving the skill set of your workforce and ensuring that training efforts are properly recorded and recognised.

Site Access Logs

Introducing comprehensive site access logging and tracking capabilities, enhancing security and monitoring of worker entry and exit to site.

Key Features:
  • Entry and Exit Logging: The product can now log and track worker entry and exit to the site, capturing logs from supported site access systems, currently including WinDSX.
  • Configure and Manage: New screens and features include:
    • Site Access Readers: Configure and manage site access readers via the UI.
    • Access Rules: Set competency-based and group member-based access rules, as well as Drug & Alcohol testing rules.
    • Logging and Reporting: Personnel entry/exit logging and reporting, tracking workers’ total hours on site.
    • Access Control Events: View and manage ‘Access Control Events’ when a worker is denied site entry.
    • On-Site List: View a list of ‘who is on-site’ and manually mark workers on or off-site from within the UI.
    • Site Access Events Report: Generate a new report detailing site access events.
    • Admin Panel Insights: The Admin Panel now shows a count of how many workers of each type are on site, as well as Emergency Response Team (ERT) members on site.
Why This Matters

Comprehensive site access logging is crucial for maintaining a secure and well-monitored work environment. By logging and tracking worker entry and exit, organisations can ensure that only authorised personnel are on site, enhancing overall security. The ability to configure and manage access rules, including competency-based and Drug & Alcohol testing rules, provides greater control over site access. Detailed logging and reporting of personnel movements allow for accurate tracking of total hours on site, improving time management and workforce planning. Managing ‘Access Control Events’ ensures quick responses to denied entries, while the ‘who is on-site’ feature offers real-time visibility of personnel on site. The new Site Access Events report and enhanced Admin Panel insights further support effective site management. These features collectively enhance security, compliance, and operational efficiency.

Onboarding Workflow ‘Preferred Induction Date’

Enhancing the onboarding process, a new Workflow component allows inductees to select their preferred induction date.

Key Features:
  • Toggle Component: The new Workflow component can be turned on or off, providing flexibility in the onboarding process.
  • Preferred Induction Date: Inductees can select their preferred induction date from a drop-down list of scheduled available options, ensuring convenience and alignment with their schedules.
Why This Matters

Allowing inductees to select their preferred induction date adds a layer of flexibility and personalisation to the onboarding process. This feature helps ensure that new hires can choose a date that best fits their availability, leading to a smoother and more accommodating onboarding experience. By providing a list of scheduled available options, organisations can better manage induction sessions and optimise attendance. This enhancement improves the overall efficiency of the onboarding process, reduces scheduling conflicts, and promotes a more positive experience for new workers, ultimately supporting better retention and integration into the workforce.

Your Feedback Matters

At PIAGO, your feedback is invaluable to us. It helps us understand your needs better and drive continuous improvement in our solutions. We invite you to share your thoughts and experiences with the latest features in GO! Site Approved. Your insights are crucial in helping us deliver the best possible tools to support your operations.

Unlock the Potential of Your Operations with GO! Site Approved

Imagine the impact of a streamlined and efficient contractor management system on your daily operations. With GO! Site Approved’s latest updates, managing training, skills, and compliance has never been easier. Experience a more organised workflow, where your team can focus on what truly matters—delivering excellence in every project. Are you ready to transform your contractor management process? Contact us today to learn how GO! Site Approved can enhance your operations. Let us help you drive efficiency and productivity to new heights .

Tina Rand

Tina Rand

Discover PIAGO insights with Tina.

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